SnagIt Install


Jonathan Bennings

Last updated
Start in the install folder on the S drive:


In this case we will be installing the 2021 version of SnagIT


right click and "run and administrator"

This file is quite large so it will take some time to launch, alternatively you can copy it locally and run it that way (which might be advisable, particularly if the target computer is offsite / over VPN)

Accept the license and click Install

Once the install is successful click Continue.

Enter software key

In this case, the key is


Click Unlock

Set your default operation mode, "Capture Window" or "Widget".

Once you have it installed the icon appears in the system tray.


After you have verified installtion, open up the text document and fill in the user's full name to show that they are occupying a license.

Here we see a few past employees still on the list, if we can verify it was removed from their equipment, now is also a good time to remove these old users.

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