Office Equipment Policy for Hybrid_Remote workers
Interim Office Equipment Policy for Hybrid/Remote workers ? 12.27.2021
OFB standing desk (varidesk) deployment is currently paused as we prepare for reopening our
offices to a hybrid work environment. However, OFB will support employees? Work from Home
office equipment needs as detailed below.
OFB standing desk (varidesk) deployment is currently paused as we prepare for reopening our
offices to a hybrid work environment. However, OFB will support employees? Work from Home
office equipment needs as detailed below.
- Employees working from home may make a request to their supervisor to purchase Work from
Home equipment as needed or they may use their Remote Work Stipend towards those needs.
Please use the following process to make requests:
1. If a new employee, supervisor will identify work from home equipment needs as part of
onboarding to determine if non-standard issued or additional equipment is needed.
Employees can expect the following Standard IT equipment issued to them upon their
onboarding: Standardized Dell Laptop, (1) Dell widescreen monitor (if requested), USB
or Bluetooth keyboard/mouse (if requested)
- Additional Work from Home equipment needs can be paid for in the following ways:
? Remote Work Stipend: OFB will provide a monthly remote work stipend for staff
working remotely or ?hybrid? (working from home for at least 60% of their work
time) of $25/month. Due to inescapable tax implications on this stipend,
recipients will receive an additional $10 (for a total of $35 per month) to offset the
tax liability. The stipend can be used for expenses such as increased internet
bandwidth, additional office supplies (paper, printing, mouse, etc), office furniture
and hardware not available through OFB, increases in utilities, etc. No
documentation will be required.
For questions regarding the Remote Work Stipend, please contact Itsa
( or Kristine (
? Supervisor purchases equipment through the departmental budget using the
appropriate coding (see below).
i. Department pays for equipment (via check request, Employee Credit
Card, etc).
1. For IT purchases, code to:?74320-10-95-Home Dept
UT(2000,3000,4000 etc)?
2. For Furniture purchases, code to: 74300:(Office small equipment
purchase),10:(33rd location) or 13:(West), Dept
Code:(20,30,40,50), Home Dept UT:(2000,3000,4000 etc)?
? If Equipment purchased is less than $100, the item will belong to staff,
and not expected to be returned to OFB at the end of employment.
? If equipment purchased is more than $100, OFB owns it and will expect it
to be returned at the end of employment.
i. For Work From Home Sit/Stand desk converters, OFB will
cap costs at $150 per employee.
3. If needing suggestions/guidance from IT on purchases (i.e., keyboard) then the
supervisor submits an IT ticket for the staff, selecting ?WFH - Equipment? category in the
IT ticketing system. IT responds to ticket with a url of which equipment to purchase
(instead of IT purchasing) - Ergonomic Assessment through SAIF: If you are experiencing significant ergonomic
challenges in your remote/home office setup that is causing pain or discomfort, we can connect
you with our workers compensation partners at SAIF for a video ergonomic assessment.
Contact Itsa Ortiz for more information.