Request New hungerNet accounts

New users can request an account by submitting the New HungerNet Account Request form at this URL:
Your account will be created with the email, but you will be invited with and need to sign in with the account.
In order to sign into HungerNet, you will need to use the following
- For example, Laura will sign in,
Your password will be your domain password to ? this is the same password you use to log into your computer. This password is created by your IT Admins so if you need to have this changed or you forget it, please reach out to your local IT team for assistance.
- Access
- Enter your email and click Next.
- You will be prompted with a Microsoft app agreement ? and you?d click Accept.
- Then you?d be prompted to click Next to begin setting up Multi-Factor Authentication which we will be requiring for all accounts for security purposes. Users can set up a text or phone call or use the Microsoft Authenticator app.
- Access
- Enter your email and click Next.
- You will be emailed/or texted a passcode to enter ? check your email and enter the passcode and click Sign in.
- Approve the MFA request you received.